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【主讲】伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校教授J. Christopher Westland






【摘要】Every technological age has its defining scientific paradigm:

1.  Romans built aqueducts, and defined science in terms of hydraulics;

2.  Medieval brewers and alchemists cooked and distilled, creating sciences of essences and quintessence's, following the dictates of Aristotle;

3.  Renaissance explosives, engines and metallurgy ushered in a science of steam and thermodynamics, and a science based on empirical inquiry;

4.  Einstein's science introduced a universal uncertainty and relativity;

5.  In the 21st century, networks have so-far set the agenda for new paradigms in biology, sociology and many other fields.

Each age has evolved its signature empirical methods for refining their craft. The 21st century is still in search of a signature paradigm.  But surely it will involve networks for physical transport of tangible goods (logistics), speed of light transit of intellectual goods (communication networks), and virtual neighborhoods of like minded individuals (social networks).  This talk reviews the network paradigms and their consequences for all of us that will evolve over the next two decades. Their impact will range from the quest for immortality and freedom from illness, to frictionless economies that promise welfare and productivity to all.

【演讲人简历】J. Christopher Westland is Professor in the Department of Information & Decision Sciences at the University of Illinois - Chicago. He has professional experience in the US as an actuary, certified public accountant and as a consultant in risk and credit scoring in the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia.  Dr. Westland specializes in the valuation of technology intangibles. Dr. Westland is the author of numerous academic papers and of six books.  He has advised on valuation and technology strategy for Microsoft, Intel, Motorola, V-Tech, Aerospace Corporation, IBM, Pacific Bell, and other technology firms.