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【主讲人】Sam Garg,香港科技大学助理教授

【时间】2012-11-12 星期一 下午 1:30 - 3:00

【地点】伟伦楼 335



Sam Garg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at HKUST, Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD (Organizations, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) and MA (Sociology) from Stanford University and his BEng (Computer Engineering) from the National University of Singapore. Sam’s research interests are in issues at the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategy, and organizational behavior. His specific interests include corporate governance, strategic decision making, power dynamics, and cognition in entrepreneurial firms and international businesses. Currently, he is investigating the CEO-Board relationship in his research. His recent work has been published (or is forthcoming) in the Academy of Management Review and the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.