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The Announcement of Decision on the Withdrawal of a postgraduate student

Mr. Infante Holguin Veras

Tsinghua University has made the decision to withdraw you from the university. Due to difficulty in contacting you and delivering the decision, we make an announcement as followswhich shall be deemed to have been served ten working days from the date of issuance of this announcement.

Infante Holguin Veras **, male, Doctoral student, ID:2019380001, School of Economics and Management.

Infante Holguin Veras ** has failed to apply for resumption of study within the specified time limit after the period of absence ends.

In view of the above facts, according to Subparagraph 6 of Article 32 of Regulations on Postgraduate Student Status Management of Tsinghua University, Infante Holguin Veras ** will be withdrawn from the University.

If there are any objections, Infante Holguin Veras ** may appeal to the Student Appeal Committee of Tsinghua University within 10 days of the receipt of this notice.

School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University


Note: This announcement has been translated into English. The English version is, to the greatest extent, in accordance with the Chinese one. If any dispute over the announcement occurs, the Chinese version shall prevail.